What I did

I worked as an intern at NGO in Kathmandu to solve Nepali’s waste management problem for a half year. I worked on this issue because I believe all people deserve a clean living environment, and I wanted to contribute to making one though small it may be. When I was physically there in the summer of 2019, I analyzed the cause and effect of solid waste mismanagement in the Village near Kathmandu. Later, when I returned home, I synthesize what I have learned to provide a solution. Finally, I collaborated with my cohorts and suggested that Black Soldier Fly composting be an effective solution. This is the link to the presentation I made.

I worked with the member from Grubin – start-up founded by UTokyo students.


From this experience, I learned that business can make people and the planet healthier by creating win-win scenarios.Our idea to apply Black Soldier Fly composting to turn organic waste into chicken feeds was good for two reasons. First, it helps to solve hunger by recovering waste and turn it into healthy protein, and also it prevents environmental pollution by eliminating the source of the problem. Therefore, we turned something that was making all sorts of problems into a cashable resource. We thought through ideas that would change people’s perspective towards garbage and stir bottom-up entrepreneurial practices. And BSF composting business is the answer we have designed.

When I visited Sisdol landsite, goats were feeding off the garbage. The black bodies are goats, the odour and sheer scale of this landfill amazed me.
This is the business model we aimed to implement in Kathmandu. Organic wastes are converted into valuable resource with this system.